Our Story

The Beginnings
After being introduced to electric bikes in 2014, our founder was intrigued with the growing variety of e-bike models. E-bikes of Holmes County started business not by selling new e-bike models, but instead by converting standard bikes with conversion retro-fit kits. However, that rapidly changed when we noticed our consumers would have better balance, stronger frames, and a cleaner design from a complete e-bike.

A Growing Small Business
The dream of our store began in the corner of a garage before it even became a part-time business at a small shop. As business grew and the word spread, we transitioned into a full-time business and were able to move into our new, state of the art solar-powered facility. By the Spring of 2020, we opened a second location next to the Holmes County Rails to Trails.

Trusted Dealer For The Top Brands
From purchasing your perfect bike to a full-service department dedicated to keeping your bike in the best condition, we have a full team to help you with all your e-bike needs. Partnering with top brands such as Aima, Bakcou, Gazelle, GoCycle, Hardcore, Igo, Stromer, Gazelle, Magnum, Serial 1, and Troxus allows us to offer you the best options and service. We are only as good as the company we represent.